Youth of Kyiv invites
On the 24th of September the National Organization of the Scouts of Ukraine together with the Kyiv city centre of social services for families, children and youth and with cooperation with local government held the traditional holiday "Youth of Kyiv invites" under the slogan "The city of the open people" in a colourful Mariinsky Park in Kyiv.
The main aim of the event was the presentaition of the free social services and extracurricular education in the governmental and public institutions for unprotected categories of kids; promotion of healthy lifestyle and safe behaviour; popularisation of the Scout Movement among children and youth, involving children and young people in socially useful activities; forming an active social position of families in Kyiv.
During this sunny day more than 5,000 people visited the Mariinsky Park - pupils of secondary schools, students, youth, parents, representatives of educational institutions, families of internally displaced people from Luhansk and Donetsk regions and Crimea, demobilised soldiers and their families, foster families.
All of them took part in big variety of activities and workshops, that were prepeared by more than 80 social organisations, icluding NOSU.
"Youth of Kyiv invites" has become a traditional event, which has some unique activities every year. This time special workshops and quests for soldiers, who were on the war, and for their families were organised.