行善、關懷幼童軍成長體驗活動 Cub Scouts Charity Care for Disadvantaged Growth Experience Camp


The Yilan Scout Council will hold the Yilan County Cub Scouts Charity Care for Disadvantaged Growth Experience Camp every year. Through the joint group activities, the social welfare organizations of the county and city are selected as the targets of charitable services and combined with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), this year’s selection As a service organization for the Cub Scouts, Chinjen correctional Home of Taoyuan City has implemented epidemic prevention this year . In response to the COVID-19 that It only conducts environmental awareness, service items and donations in the rehabilitation center to avoid the spread of the epidemic. At the same time, they also use another venue to implement environmental education teaching, and learn the importance of environmental protection while playing. Through the two days and one night of correctional home services and environmental education experience activities, our Cub Scouts have further spiritual growth in mental intelligence education.

Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Scouts of China
Legacy BWF

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