I am member of environment oriented organization with more then 600,000 volunteer . In Ankara we will have a meeting on the issue and I also promoted ZERO HUNGAR RUN and more on my social media.. I made a list of simple activities and posted to my friends and then translated it. Now it is in English and here they are. Y
There is expected service hours and number of friends. I will post exact rimes on updates. Please feel free to join us and post what you are done :
Hi I am working on a simple project for İnternational Day Of Food. International day of food is 14th October. The TEMA organization Ankara chapter where I am a volunteer decided to make a meeting and decided to work on international year of pulses. As you now we are also celebrtating the first yer of sustainable development goals 2015 – 2030 Since beginning of the year almost all international days and World celebrations done to promote Sustainable development goals.
There is an activity book on
There is a video and poster competition (deadline 50 September)
With my experience on UN FAO Youth and United Nation Global Alliance projects like Ending Hunger and Yunga Climate change and food security iare excekkent activites for World food gay. These books are available tomake one or teo activit yor fill necessray requirements in their books. The bookc posted on
I posted some activities on my FB here you will find them with my casuaql translationş Please feel free to make any of fthese tasks Soe of them may be done in a minute orr two. or you may do any one of them giving more time. .
İf you decide to make any of them starting tomorrw and finish before 14 October 0200 GMT I try to post them on scout org
There w,ll b wordwive run titled 2016 international ZERO HUNGER RUN and you may participate it with a global family.Here is a casual translation and more for this post. Here is what I wrote on the issue. These may be one of the greteast E-flash mob service action on internet. when I collected these actions and post to Messengers of peace and you will be a part of this great action.
(1) How we support ZERO HUNGAR RUN walk all around the world (print and wrote WORLD HUNGER RUN on a paper and take a group photo or your photo or selfie counts. Any worl or run in physical trainind in school . playing a game in class ( Wrote Zero Hunger Run on Black board or white board) while going to bus metro any time not exactly on 14 October.i İf you organize you may send more info and photos
(2) You may find a couple oak acorn and plant it. This is the time on Northern Hemisphere. On South plant any tree or share a photo of your last tree planting with a mewssage on benefits of tree plantion to eradicate hunger
(3) Do an action along rhe lines of sustainable Develoğpment goal No.: 2 Eradicate Hunger
(4) You may exhibit children paintings on hunger from a set of a painting which I am going to post here.,you may add yours too. You may post one of them on your notice board in your ofice or the window of a shop in your neightbor
(5) We can sent thoso photo to you by mail too. Or you download from
(6) We are open to your suggestions and other action you may done
We hope you start to make an activity from UN FAO YUNGA book Ending Hunger Chalenge you may ask some short cuts to me . You may fill all requirements and get your certificate or Climate chance and food security challenge is another one
(7) You may like or post a comment on thi post. It w,ill a good addition
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