WOOD BADGE ⚜️ 13-18th January 2020 Kamji Central School Success story is not to keep packed in the box or hanging on the wall. It is your success and you should feel proud to display widely over you with smile and satisfaction. Wood Badge is a Scouting leadership programme for adult leaders in the programmes of Scout associations throughout the world. Wood Badge courses aim to make Scouters better leaders by teaching advanced leadership skills and by creating a bond and commitment to the Scout movement. Courses generally have a combined classroom and practical outdoors-based phase. The first Wood Badge training was organized by Francis "Skipper" Gidney and lectured at by Robert Baden-Powell and others at Gilwell Park (United Kingdom) in September 1919. EXPERIENCE Morning 5am to late night 1am schedule is the best experience in my life to keep myself fully engaged in learning and experiencing life inside wood and nature. True feelings of adventures over a tired excitement in late night keeps our eye wide open, restless legs and creative thought preparing necessary gatgets. The drill master's command and clumsy jokes still triggered over my ear whenever I hear loud shouts. The whistle alarm still alert me and keeps myself timely managing my daily schedules. Advice of senior leaders already let my mind plan for coming year to act better in scouting program. TAKE AWAY Everything learned and experienced on this 6days training is all basic necessities for person like me who loves to experience life through adventures travelling. So far what I have done so many was all just a normal WALK and I got wings from this training that I can plan so many to FLY better and higher here after. Wish you all Happy and Better scouting! Once a scout always a scout! ⚜️⚜️⚜️
Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Personal safety
Legacy BWF
Communications and Scouting Profile
Global Support Assessment Tool

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