Profile picture for user robert.laruza

Wildlife Conservation Forum and Mangrove Planting

What inspires me to work on this initiative is to educate myself more about wildlife issues and how to protect our local conservation area.

This project was carried out at Himamaylan City. We first had a Wildlife Conservation Forum at School & our resource speakers were from City Environment & Natural Resources Office and Provincial Environment Management Office. Our speakers discussed wildlife issues & how we should conserve our local conservation area as well as how we can protect our marine wildlife. The next day, we went on an urban hike & picked up trash on our way to Mangrove Protected Area at Brgy. Malusay to plant mangroves.

We estimated around 200 people living in the coastal area of Barangay Malusay were benefited on this project. In this initiative, we planted mangrove seedlings in the Mangrove Protected Area. Mangroves are beneficial not only to the residents near in the coastal as it maintain the coastline by minimizing erosion caused by storm surges, currents, waves, and tides, but also to fish, shellfish, and other wildlife species.

In this initiative, we scouts became more aware of the environmental issues existing in our City particularly plastic pollution & negative effects of mismanaged trash. We've learned that by practicing proper solid waste management, it can help protect our marine wildlife. And by planting mangroves it could provide habitat for fish, wildlife species, stabilize the coastline and serve as filter to garbage from land area.

Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Nature and Biodiversity
Youth Engagement
Healthy Planet
Environment and Sustainability

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