Water is the Soul of the Earth

“If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water.” ~ Loren Eiseley “Thousands have lived without love, not one without water.” ~ W. H. Auden
Firstly our DOC(S) conducted a meeting with each members. Then we took permission from the competent Authorities. Then we arrange essential items like earthen pots, glasses, mug etc. After that we were divided to small teams to execute the our aim properly.
The Hot weather water service was a well demanding project for the passengers, workers, employees etc. During hot summer every one feels thirsty and tired due to dehydration so we planned to offer clean drinking water at free of cost to save thousand lives. This project has promote equality from all levels because we serve to every person irrespective of she/he, caste, religion, rich/poor. We promote gender equality during project because most of our team leaders were from Ranger section.
1. Serving to people is serving to God. 2. Team building and team work. 3. Our little initiative can save thousand lives. 4. Gender equality. 5. Reduce inequality. 6. How to spread peace by serving others.
Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Health lifestyles
Humanitarian action
Inner peace and spirituality

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