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Water Restoration at Dorokha HSS, Bhutan.

The shortage of water hampered the sanitation of students in particular and school in general. Owing to insufficient water, the washrooms in academic building would start to give foul smell creating unhygienic atmosphere. If water shortage persisted for longer duration, it would be difficult to feed 600 students and could have affected students' academic performance and attendance rates. we were motivated to resolve the issue, keeping in mind the consequences of not having clean water.

The water restoration project was implemented at the water source located at one and half hour by car and another one and half hour by walk journey from school. The volunteers walked for hours in the leaches infested jungle to restore the school water pipelines which was damaged due to consistent rainfall. The volunteers cleaned the water source and restored the broken waterpipe triggered by fallen trees.
600 students and 57 school staff was benefitted by this project. We could emphasize on the sanitation of students and the foul smell from washrooms was gone as cleaning was made possible. The students and staff were made available with abundance of clean drinking water. Furthermore, hygiene in school kitchen could be maintained which is one of the important aspects for students' education.

We have learned to clean the water source tank and find the damaged water pipeline. "How can we forget the smile on volunteers upon making water available in school and what can be the greatest kick than involving oneself in creating the community that we live in a little more better? That's what we felt and learned from this project", said one volunteer (none-scout). This project could have been made much better if we studied the issue and carried the required equipment beforehand.

Number of participants
Service hours
Clean Energy
Interpersonal skills
Civic engagement
Environment and Sustainability
Skills for Life

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