Walkside by Rovs Project - Collected Bottle Caps at Tzu Chi Recycle Centre
Profile picture for user Hue Jia Hao_1

Walkside by Rovs Project - Collected Bottle Caps at Tzu Chi Recycle Centre

Time: 9:30am to 11:30am We searched some recycle centre nearby of we stayed first and went there to collect it. Tzu Chi is an association aimed for recycle and educated more people. They are very friendly and welcome us to join as part-time helper. Before we started to separate it, they gave us a pair of gloves and a few recycle bag. We smell strongly stink from it when we doing. Cause there have a lot of people didn't classified the rubbish and followed the correct recycle ways. Some of plastic bottle has storage a few water and made bacteria in it. In the final, we felt happy and collected 500 bottle caps from there.
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