Walkside by Rovs Project - Collected Bottle Caps from Tebrau Scout
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Walkside by Rovs Project - Collected Bottle Caps from Tebrau Scout

Time: 4pm to 5pm After our group first meeting, we had uploaded a poster on Facebook pages. All of our group members were hard-worked to promote and shared the message to their family and friends, included me. My friends is a scout assistant leader from 67th Tebrau scout troop in Johor Bahru, Johor. I promote our project to him and his scout troop members and gave them some suggestion to collect bottle caps and took scout exam with environment badge. They felt interested and collected around one hundred plus bottle caps for us. We know that many little drops make an ocean, so they collected this little as their could. My friends and I chatted and had a meet up and counted at the restaurant together and passed it to me. By the way, I very thankful for him and 67th Tebrau scout troop members.
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