Walkside by Rovs Project - Collected Bottle Caps at Politeknik Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah
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Walkside by Rovs Project - Collected Bottle Caps at Politeknik Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah

Time: 4pm to 6pm After Bryant and I promoted our project to them, they started to aim 10k as a goal. They felt confidence and tell Ms Yong Yong that there could collected well. They set it as individual competition and made more fun and competitiveness for it. They kept update their progress amount in the WhatsApp group to see who was the first winner and others. In the final calculation day, we would gave them a small present as appreciate. We did the two diy recycle bins on 21st July 2018 and we counted it after two weeks until today. Although they didn't achieved their goals but unless they had motivated to collect 2526 bottle caps during the short duration and made some words to take photo. Please give a big clap for them work hard. Hope students could learnt more experience and fun from it. I also learnt a word from them which was we collect as more as we can. Remember to keep doing recycle and save our environment.
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