Volunteering March Pass.

During this day, the 5th King of Bhutan, King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck was born, he is also know as the “People’s King” as he always look after his people, my motivation to volunteer for the March pass was none other then our King as it was a great opportunity for me to give my gratitude for our King, as he has always be looking after his people.
I volunteer to join the March pass with other scouts form my school and we practice everyday after school until the day came for us to perform the March pass in front of many spectators and our King. We had over a hundred students form other schools for the March pass.We all had practice hard to impress the people and our king,we all had perfected our roles and overall did well.
Over 20,000 people were benefited as they were reminded of our Kings effort in making our country a better place for everyone to be in. He work selfless each day for long hours, going to other countries and building a friendship which in turn will help our country develop and become better over time. Even tho his majesty’s presence was not there, I felt as if he was there with us and was proud of us all for our hard work as such it was a very special day for all of us.
I learned that teamwork is the best method to tackle a situation and as such it also help me get closer to my scout friends. And we as the youth must be ‘SMART’ in these generations as we have many roles and responsibilities to fill and make our Country proud, and we should be always ready to serve our country when in need. It also taught me that to do better than before in order to help our country grow and become a place where suffering are non-existence.
Number of participants
Service hours
Culture and heritage
Good Governance
Youth Programme
Peace and Community Engagement

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