Urgent response regarding Daniel floodings (Libya)

Since the devastating news regarding the floodings came out, we as the Libyan scouts took on our hands the great responsibility regarding the humanitarian action needed. We felt that through these kinds of circumstances, the great teachings of the founder lord Baden Powell must be executed to help through such dark times.

we first divided leaders throughout the countries and made camps to help the children in need through psychological support and aid. Afterwards, the focus was also prioritize into creating an environment for children to revitalize their emotional state and lower down their anxiety level to create an emotional security alongside foster well being. 

We provided courses to our fellow leaders and created camps to help them deal with the psychological stress the young children endured during the terrorizing events of the storm. This is also an learning journey for everyone involved to be prepared for psychological need in times of crisis and exchange knowledge on different methodology during the crisis.

Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Humanitarian action
Personal safety
Healthy Planet

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