Urban Community Volunteer Development Training, Dhaka City Corporation, Headquarters of Fire Service and Civil Defense, Bangshal, Dhaka.

Urban Community Volunteer Development Training, Dhaka City Corporation, Headquarters of Fire Service and Civil Defense, Bangshal, Dhaka.

The Program covers the fundamentals of Earthquake Management, Search and Rescue Techniques including laboratory classes, Practical sessions, fire safety engineering, relevant structural engineering topics, First Aid etc. Search and Rescue (SAR) comprises the search for and provision of aid to persons who are, or are believed to be in imminent danger of loss of life. The two operations – Search and Rescue – may take many forms, depending on whether they are both required or not, on the size and complexity of the operation and on the available facilities. The course curriculum and syllabus are made by Bangladesh Fire Service and Civil Defense (FSCD). Various techniques for training are used to involve participants for learning. The following methods are followed in whole three days of the course: a) Theoretical Class b) Written test c) Group discussion d) Presentations e) Practical sessions f) Written assignments for Homework g) Questions of MCQ STEP-1:(Volunteer Selection) For volunteer selection at first announce and advertise in selected wards of each municipality. The interested candidates fill up an application form. A short viva has arranged for all candidates where project focal person from each Municipality and ward councilor of each Pourashava, NRP personnel and FSCD personnel were present. After the Viva only selected candidates are participated in the training programme. In the selection process, the gender ratio (60:40) were strictly maintained. For the existing volunteers we contact with local volunteer organizations and they provide volunteers. The trainees are selected in six steps: 1)Advertising and Announcement 2)Collecting Application from Interested Candidates 3)Initial Screening from Application 4)Arrange a short Interview Session 5)Decision Making and finalization 6)Notification of Placement STEP-2:(Search and Rescue Training Programme) Search and rescue (SAR) training helps new volunteers get to know the people, and their role quickly and efficiently and to feel safe and comfortable working in an emergency situation. Division of work for three days of training: 1)At the first day of the training was fully theoretical session. 2) In the second day the volunteers have got practical session on search and rescue. 3)Third day of the training was mainly on first aid and firefighting drill. Lunch and two times snacks in everyday are provided by National Resilience Programme (NRP) for the volunteers and the course instructors. STEP-3:(Personal Protective Equipment distribution for Volunteers) NRP is provided Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to the volunteers where maintain standard quality. NRP provides to the volunteers: •T-Shirt • Safety Vest • Safety Goggles • Face Musk • Helmet • Hand Gloves • Surgical Gloves • Safety Boot • Whistle STEP-4:(Volunteer Activities) After getting the training the Trained volunteers have arranged different programs like earthquake drills in different schools, Fire drill in different communities, Victory day celebration, International mother language day celebration, crowd management, manage discipline in different occasions and firefighting activities with FSCD etc.
Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Youth Programme
Personal safety
Good Governance
Global Support Assessment Tool
Communications and Scouting Profile

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