Tshangkha Cs Scout Investiture ceremony 2019
Scouts of Tshangkha CS conducted investiture ceremony on 9th August at Trashiling Lhakhang away from school. During the ceremony the Nachung scouts of Chendibji Primary School also joined. The CBS of Tshangkha community, Tangsibji Community and Chendibji Community were also awardedm CBS scarf.
The Chief Guest was Kehnpo from Trashiling Shedra and the Gup of Tangsibji gewog also participated. Some monks from the Shedra and some parents from near by school also invited and took part in the event.
The scarf were awarded inside the Lhakhang and the cultural program were conducted outside of the Lhakhang.
The news reporter of BBS Trongsa and Kuensel and came to collect the news and it was aired in the BBS and Kuensel the next day.
Including all the participants there were about 430 participants.