The Event organized by Mrs. Zühal Dekeli and Mr. A.Faruk Dekeli. As a remembrance of their late daugter Sema Dekeli
Tree planting
As usual 250 tree tubes planted. There was over 100 visitors some 30 scout leaders and their children and some cubs and brownies. They planted some but most of the trees planted by Tema Ankara Chapter’s volunteers and YoungTEMA university Club. They are eager to come early in October and make a more professional business.
Two Days ago TEMA organized a panel on Flora and Fauna of Ankara for International day of Biodiversity . We were there with a couple scout leaders. One of the outcames of of panel was making informative posters on endengered plant species on picnic areas and these planting
We took photos of native plant to make information posters next year in coordination with panel speakers
2013 WED activities
Thid year th main theme is food waste with a simple message think Eat Save We explained world wide activity possibilities on two posters. Two posters made for food waste over the world
Pledge for food waste
There was a postcard which I distributed previously of Facebook. And scout and guide leaders on yahoo and google groups. A postcard invitation
Messengers of peace projects,
Sample projects around the world given with posters and some short history and badge
Love your leftovers,
Competition rules given and we made a discussion on the competition wirh TEMA Volunters
Some essentials of MoP net project samples and project learnng zone Games talks groups well expleined with samples and WED photo campaign presented to leaders
Treasute hunt
Scout leaders Pelin and Bulent From ,Dolunay scout group posted poster on their pioneer work. They also prepared some question on posters exhibited. The cubs lined up and leader asked a question. They eun to posters and seek the correct answers vy reading each poster. When one of them find the answer s/he run the leader and gave the answer. At the and Nuh Kaan Was the winner.