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Tree Plantation Program 2023

Observing the pressing environmental issues and deforestation concerns in our community, we were inspired to initiate the tree planting project. We believed that by fostering a green environment, we could contribute to combating climate change and enhancing biodiversity. The urge to create a sustainable future and raise awareness motivated us to take action.
Observing the pressing environmental issues and deforestation concerns in our community, we were inspired to initiate the tree planting project. We believed that by fostering a green environment, we could contribute to combating climate change and enhancing biodiversity. The urge to create a sustainable future and raise awareness motivated us to take action.
From the project, we learned the importance of collective efforts in addressing environmental challenges. Working with teachers and fellow Scouts taught us effective coordination and teamwork. We gained valuable insights into tree planting techniques and environmental conservation. Witnessing the positive impact of our actions fueled our commitment to fostering a greener and sustainable future.
Number of participants
Service hours
Better Choice
Global Support Assessment Tool
Health lifestyles

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