"TREE PLANTATION" Program 2021

Trees are our real friends. But trees are cutting down rapidly which creat a bad impact in our life . In case of solve this problem we took a small step on the occasion of WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY. we the scouts of Motijheel Govt Boys High School scouts Group successfully exicuted that event.
This project started from collecting trees. We rised a fund to buy trees and we went to a shop to buy trees and seeds . Some of them were collected form nature. Then we went to our school campus and started to plant trees. Our honorable principle and Scout Group President Mr. Syed Hafizul Islam and Scout Unit Leader Mr. AKM Jahangir Hossain Majumder Sir supported us a lot .
Trees give us oxygen that is essential for our living . If the school campus is full of trees then the surround air remain fresh and helps us to fight against global warming. And all this helps the students to stay clam.
It was a starting of a great green world which helped to live a healthy life.
Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Nature and Biodiversity
Youth Engagement
Healthy Planet

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