Tree Plantation And Importance Of Nature

To me a lush carpet of pine needles or spongy grass is more welcome than the most luxurious Persian rug. —Helen Keller. My motivation came form the constant extinction of wild and beautiful animals, as well as the increasing pollution, global warming and climate change.It gave me the motivation change our ways and turn for the better.It gave me the drive to be the change in our society and give more importance to the nature.
It was bright sunny day, we gathered around and divided ourselves into groups.Firstly before our plantation we had weeding unwanted invasive plants which could harm the trees that we plant thus, making our progress a waste of time and materials.We had weeded all of the unwanted plants and had dispose of them so they won’t be growing back on that spot.We planted tree saplings and made barricade to prevent wild animals form destroying the saplings, we had planted over a hundred saplings.
Around 500 people were benefited as they won’t be having problems of invasive plants growing around the area and the sapling can give them many more advantages.The impacts is that it teaches everyone how important wildlife and nature is and how without it living things won’t be able to survive and eventually nothing can live. It teaches that our responsibility is to protect and preserve our country wildlife and biodiversity in order to prevent global warming.
I have learned many things that can help me in the future as in how to build barricades to protect the plants and trees and how to plant sapling properly.It also taught me how important preserving and protecting our nature is and without nature how it would be harder for anything to live and eventually to our extinction.It also gave me the responsibility to preserve and protect the wildlife of our country.
Number of participants
Service hours
Healthy Planet
Youth Programme
Environment and Sustainability

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