Trash to Treasure Park
Plastic waste is the main motivation for this project 'Trash to Treasure,'
'Think globally and act locally'. so to over come the plastic waste challenges in the society, scout leaders from my school decided to come up with simple and effective project to handle the plastic issues in the society.
On this entire three days all the scouts and leaders were engaged meaningfully for the same as per the project plan. We were succeed to recycle approximately of 500kg of plastic waste.
The project is carried out as per the plan. We worked in the patrol of 10 each. All the patrols were assigned with the different responsibilities such as; making plastic waste recycle bin, making entrance gate for the scout park, some were involved in making Lord BP tower and some made flower garden fences out of plastic bottles. All the girl scouts were accompanied by female leaders in making of plastic flowers out of waste. Lunch and refreshment were served from the school.
There was a great impact in the society out of this project. The society was aware of plastic waste and its negative impact in the environment. The people were finally understood how to handle the waste and its benefit. They were briefed on the 4Rs and how to manage plastic waste. After this project we could see the society and schools free of wastes most of the time. I can proudly say that school, other government agencies near by and society were benefited by this project 'Trash to Treasure.'
The some of the positive responses that i have got from this project were; all the people in the society be it literate or illiterate people could understand about the plastic waste and its negative impact on environment but only few of them manage their waste in day to day life. i have seen that people were doing better if we keep reminding time again about the waste management.