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Tide turner activity on Rawal Lake

Rawal Lake in Pakistan is an artificial reservoir that provides the water needs for the cities of Rawalpindi and Islamabad. Korang River along with some other small streams coming from Margalla Hills have been set to form this artificial lake which covers an area of 8.8 km²

Micro plastic pollution is as an emerging environmental threat. Focus of most of the current researches has been on micro plastics in the marine environment. However, there is limited information for micro plastic availability in the fresh water, especially in Pakistan. The current study was conducted with the objective of investigating the micro plastic presence and concentration in the surface water and sediments of the Rawal Lake, in the capital city of Pakistan.

Keeping in mind plastic threat life below water, a group of scouts organized a one day activity on October 25, 2020, during their stay they clean bench of Rawel Lake and Lake View Park. Scout educate the visitor families about effect of plastic in marine life and water quality during this cleanliness activity scouts collects number of plastic bottles, lids, disposable cups, plastic spoons ,tin pack and used shopper bags. All collected material gather in center of park  for victors awareness

Number of participants
Service hours
Legacy BWF
Personal safety

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