Ticket to Life Project for Orphanage Children - Dewi Sartika I
i am a teacher in a school foundations in a village , i was so sad seeing the village students without parents ( orphan children) and poor student, and i want to see their smile while i rise this project to them, i saw their spirit was need a lot of things , i am very excited to introduce this ticket to life to them, i believe they can survive faced the world in a future
my project is Ticket to life project ,.and the members is orphan children and youth ,.they are stay at the village and they are school in a small village school foundations with minimum facilities,.. we use gathering once time in a week ,.i hope with ticket to life project , My orphan children's members can survive in the future and they can do many things. The impact is very positive, the children are very enthusiastic about participating in every activity,
we start with general educations about scouting , WOSM and Indonesia Scout, they practice about scout soft skill, scout life skill and skills in scouting and also with social things to do