Opportunities for income generation are typically unstable and unpredictable, with families facing indebtedness to cover the cost of shelter and other basic needs. While receiving credit is not uncommon for many urban dwellers, the relative vulnerability of the displaced puts them at risk of debt bondage. Such profound economic insecurity can compel some families to make perilous choices, including child marriage, human trafficking, commercial sexual exploitation, begging, and street vending.
1: By introduction of scouting, Peace Building trainings will be conducted to harmonize the understanding of the different ethnicity that exist in the Camp, and through the scouting projects the young scouts will develop self-reliance.
2: The project will make Botswana on track toward the achievement of SDGs targets for human development.
13 new groups comprising of 414 New scouts recruited to be members of BSA. The groups from marginalized and refugees are getting to be part of the society with confidence as they mingle with all other community groups. ]The project is still on going.
Team work
Time management
Proper communication
Institutional protocols