South Africa

Swartkoppies park Litterless Campaign

When the flier came out for the scouts to participate in the litter less campaign we had to get involved. The park on our scout halls street corner was always a mess and I though we could do something there.
We chose to clean up the park near our scout hall. I contacted our local community forum and was told that our ward councillor would stop by to check in on us during our cleanup. We hosted this event in place of one of our friday night Cub meetings and invited all our cubs and scouts to attend.
There is no way to tell how much impact this will have on our community, however we left the park a great deal cleaner and the scouts and cubs not only served their community but were proud of a job well done.
If I was to do this again we would perhaps bring more bin bags and arrange for a garbage pick-up to collect the bags. we underestimated just how much litter we would collect.
Number of participants
Service hours
South Africa
Nature and Biodiversity
Environment and Sustainability

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