Profile picture for user indubsg

Swachchhta Abhiyan In School

I am inspired from cleanliness drive of Govt. of India. Its a good for everyone who leaved on our planet the Earth. I am also motivated from our COVID-19 Pandemic and think about cleanliness or hygiene's.
My project is implemented in all over the world or beneficial for all human beings as well as living things on the Earth. I have work on this project with my Guide and scout troop in my school and run a drive for cleanliness at school level than near by society.
This project is more beneficial for all around the world. We can implement it anywhere in the world. In my surrounding more than 1000 people will benefited from it. Its must required from over community building.
I learned and concern about cleanliness importance in our daily life. It is a good for our society. We can approach to our community for its betterment and spread it to all around us. Motivate to other in this regard.
Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Health lifestyles
Youth Engagement
Nature and Biodiversity
Environment and Sustainability

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