Surf smart. #Safe from harm online
Surf Smart is a non-formal education curriculum designed to inform young people about how to connect positively online, protect themselves from online threats and respect their rights and reputation on the internet.
281,000 Girl Guides and Girl Scouts in over 44 countries have already earned their Surf Smart Badge and it is open to all.
The programme contains three sections, each filled with activities for Girl Guides and Girl Scouts to learn about a specific aspect of online safety. Activities are categorized by age groups and designed to challenge, empower and encourage users to take responsibility and actively contribute to issues related to the online safety of themselves and others around them.
The Surf Smart programme has already proven highly popular and is an excellent resource to engage young people and encourage them to get the most from the internet, while staying safe online. The activities are designed to impart advice which will continue to guide participants in the future and ensure that they are always able to navigate and enjoy the web.