Stop polluting and start living.

Paro drafts by law in its quest to become waste free in few years. As an intervention strategy Druk Waste Management (DWM) provides waste management services in Paro. It works with government and business entities. However, there are areas where the places are eyesore to many and need prompt attention. Therefore to sensitize and advocate on waste management and to support the Dzongkhag initiative to become 'Waste Free' I have taken up a project.
To execute my project, I have consulted with relevant stakeholders for support and collaboration. They have provided us with vehicle to ferry us and the waste collected to the proper site, materials required and even refreshments. I asked for volunteers to help me carry out my project. We are 50 consisting of both scouts and scout leaders. We have carried it out in a stretch of three days. I along with my volunteer colleagues have selected six distinct places to clear different wastes.
My project has benefitted more than 6000 residents of Paro. I could contribute to the District aim of becoming 'Zero Waste. ' Moreover, we have collected tons of solid wastes from forests, gardens, rivers and streams which otherwise have hampered the ecosystem. The community has rendered helping hand where every possible, and I am sure that they have learnt the importance of our action for now and in future. The district now looks more clean and beautiful.
I have learnt that we can succeed in any task we initiate if we collaborate. Nothing is impossible, we should always move forward with our ideas. People are not bad but, we need to convince and teach them. This successful project of mine have inspired me to move further with next projects.
Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Health lifestyles
Nature and Biodiversity
Environment and Sustainability

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