A Step Towards Clean And Green Environment.

My city was getting dirty and losing it's greenery all because of the waste(land pollution). As a scout leader seeing it let me thought about conducting a cleaning campaign. With the support and advice of my senior leaders, and seeing others being free as it is winter vacation. Let me proceed the cleaning campaign. As the cleaning campaign can also be a youth engagement program. And remembering the oath taken during the leadership training, helped motivating me for the cleaning campaign.
The project took place at Paro dzongkhag(city). Firstly, I searched for volunteers for the cleaning campaign. Secondly, we created a telegram group for the discussion about the timing, place and other things. Thirdly, we all gathered at the allocated place and with the required tools. We began our cleaning campaign. The project went smoothly according to the plan. As it was two days cleaning campaign, we did the same thing on the second day but at the different allocated place.
46,316 people(total population of Paro dzongkhag). The campaign was done at different places in Paro dzongkhag. It benefited 46,316 people. Because of the project Paro dzongkhag(city) gained its greenery back, the place were clean creating a clean, green environment and have the suitable environment for the healthy life style for the people of Paro.
I specially learned about crowd controlling skills while handling all the members of the project. I also learned to educate people about the waste, as many did know what needs to been done with their waste causing them to dump it everywhere. So I will spread awareness about waste while doing cleaning campaign because it can help reduce people throwing their waste. I also learned that being prepared is important in any situation.
Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Healthy Planet
Youth Engagement
Nature and Biodiversity
Environment and Sustainability

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