Stay away from Drugs
Addiction is such a termite that spoils the physical, mental and social life of the youth. Addiction is such an evil. Due to which the precious life of a human being becomes a victim of premature death. Deadly drugs like alcohol, tobacco, smack are being used in the society for intoxication. Intoxication is also one of the reasons for various types of crimes flourishing in the society. Therefore, it is necessary to stop the youth from consuming drugs.
In order to bring awareness against drugs in the society, we all organized a program in the drug de-addiction center in the city, in which especially the youth were included. It was told in the program that how the society, the nation and the world are affected today due to drugs. Ways to get rid of drugs were explained and everyone was motivated to build a better society by staying away from drugs. Everyone took an oath to stay away from drugs
Through this de-addiction campaign, the youth got information about the bad effects of drugs. In future, they will stay away from drugs and build a better future.
By participating in this campaign, I also got an opportunity to motivate people and I and my colleagues came to know more about the bad trend of addiction and became alert.