"State Level Ham Radio Course " held at Doddaballapur, Banglore, Bharat Scouts and Guides Karnataka State Association ,India.
State level ham radio training course held from 25th March to 29th March 2019 at Doddaballapur, Banglore, Karnataka state, India.
The leader of the course are Rajesh Avalakki sir & Priyanka mam , they used to maintain whole course very productively .
At day first course started by Ameture Ham radio's Banglore Ex president Sri Ram Mohan sir & Srikanth sir , where they used to gave useful informations of Elementary electricity & magnetism, types of electricity , circuits, importance of resistance, Active and passive device, Diodes, integrated circuits, transistors, capacitors, Ohm's Law, Kirchhoff's voltage law , Magnetism, Ferro magnetism, self and mutual inductance & Tesla coil.
Elementary theory of alternating current, disadvantages of DC compared to AC , properties of alternating current, AC current frequency, alternating current values , wave length, velocity of light, Power, phase, phase difference, phase shift, reactance, inductive & capacitive reactance, series & parallel circuits, resistance in series, half wave rectification etc .. .
At evening our respected State commissioner PGR Sindhya sir delivered the useful message of output which should exercise from the ham radio course & encouraged all to pursue general grade ham radio operator. .. In evening Rajesh Avalakki sir delivered the important points to be noted in morning to afternoon session very easily and which we all understood very effectively.
At day 2nd we used to learn about Faraday's First law of Electro magnetic Induction , mutual inductance, transformers, electronic colour code, Diodes & Transistors it's properties & use , dopings, forward & reverse biase, Light emitting Diodes , biolar junction Transistors, amplifier, wave flasher, Crystal radio circle, Radio Receiverse, types of receivers like Crystal, regenerative,super generative, tuned radio frequency, super heterodyne, synchrodyne .
We learned about International telecommunication Union, radio transmitter, Continues Waves, Wave propagation, Radio repair , wall technology stability in HAMs ,ossilator, Block diagrams,
..It was very interesting that we learned some of Morse code by general grade opperator Rajesh Avalakki sir we are all very happily , concentratingly leaned Morse codes sounds of alphabets and numbers. ...
At day 3rd we learned about Radio wave Propagation, The Electro magnetic spectrum, spheres, wave bonds, VHF, UHF, etc , ionosphere, forms of radiation, electron density, HF Propagation, Aerial or antenna, apeture, polarization, radiation, base station & directional antenna, portable,dipole, vehicle antenna, ..
We also learned Role of HAMs in emergency & disasters by Jayant S Bhide VU2JAU , Uniqueness of emergency communication, The primary served agency, Advantage to Ham operator, & at afternoon we involved in group discussion where all put forward their needed Bsg programs and got concussions for some doubts which clarified by Shanta mam and Rajesh Avalakki sir. ....
In day 4th we learned about Morse code very detailly by Rajesh Avalakki sir where we learned letters like e, i,s,h,5,t,m,o,a,u,o,v,e,h,0,4 etc .. at afternoon session about important general knowledges about Radio Regulations , The Indian wireless Telegraph Act 1973, ministry of communication , wireless planning communication, conditions for conduct of an amateur telegraph Station, general telegraph, radiotelephone procedure, codes, etc...
At last day after the all faith prayer ,flag host and breakfast we had very interesting session held by Gururaj sir where we learned about online books related to HAMs like outline of wireless, radio structum etc, but at last we had practical session about ham signaling which leads to enjoy the camp site nature where all of us enjoyed mini adventure by seeking singnals .. whole ham course is enjoyed by all the 120 rovers and rangers,where we all served as a service Rover and rangers as per our patrol , we also enjoyed camp fire & food , we are all thankful to Ameture Ham insititute Banglore & Bsg Karnataka state organizer scouts and guides respected Prabhakar Bhatt sir and Manjula mam & Bharat scouts and guides state Association Karnataka for providing such usefull course.
All about HAM :-
Amateur radio, also known as ham radio, describes the use of radio frequency spectrum for purposes of non-commercial exchange of messages, wireless experimentation, self-training, private recreation, radiosport, contesting, and emergency communication. The term "amateur" is used to specify "a duly authorised person interested in radioelectric practice with a purely personal aim and without pecuniary interest;" (either direct monetary or other similar reward) and to differentiate it from commercial broadcasting, public safety (such as police and fire), or professional two-way radio services (such as maritime, aviation, taxis, etc.).
The amateur radio service (amateur service and amateur-satellite service) is established by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) through the Radio Regulations. National governments regulate technical and operational characteristics of transmissions and issue individual stations licenses with an identifying call sign. Prospective amateur operators are tested for their understanding of key concepts in electronics and the host government's radio regulations.
Radio amateurs use a variety of voice, text, image, and data communications modes and have access to frequency allocations throughout the RF spectrum. This enables communication across a city, region, country, continent, the world, or even into space. In many countries, amateur radio operators may also send, receive, or relay radio communications between computers or transceivers connected to secure virtual private networks on the Internet.
Amateur radio is officially represented and coordinated by the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU), which is organized in three regions and has as its members the national amateur radio societies which exist in most countries. According to an estimate made in 2011 by the American Radio Relay League, two million people throughout the world are regularly involved with amateur radio. About 830,000 amateur radio stations are located in IARU Region 2 (the Americas) followed by IARU Region 3 (South and East Asia and the Pacific Ocean) with about 750,000 stations. A significantly smaller number, about 400,000, are located in IARU Region 1 (Europe, Middle East, CIS, Africa)
The origins of amateur radio can be traced to the late 19th century, but amateur radio as practiced today began in the early 20th century. The First Annual Official Wireless Blue Book of the Wireless Association of America, produced in 1909, contains a list of amateur radio stations. This radio callbook lists wireless telegraphstations in Canada and the United States, including 89 amateur radio stations. As with radio in general, amateur radio was associated with various amateur experimenters and hobbyists. Amateur radio enthusiasts have significantly contributed to science, engineering, industry, and social services. Research by amateur operators has founded new industries, built economies,empowered nations, and saved lives in times of emergency. Ham radio can also be used in the classroom to teach English, map skills, geography, math, science, and computer skills.
The term "ham" was first a pejorativeterm used in professional wired telegraphy during the 19th century, to mock operators with poor Morse code sending skills ("ham-fisted").This term continued to be used after the invention of radio and the proliferation of amateur experimentation with wireless telegraphy; among land- and sea-based professional radio operators, "ham" amateurs were considered a nuisance. The use of "ham" meaning "amateurish or unskilled" survives today in other disciplines ("ham actor").
The amateur radio community subsequently began to reclaim the word as a label of pride, and by the mid-20th century it had lost its pejorative meaning. Although not an acronym, it is often mistakenly written as "HAM" in capital letters.
The many facets of amateur radio attract practitioners with a wide range of interests. Many amateurs begin with a fascination of radio communication and then combine other personal interests to make pursuit of the hobby rewarding. Some of the focal areas amateurs pursue include radio contesting, radio propagation study, public service communication, technical experimentation, and computer networking.
Amateur radio operators use various modes of transmission to communicate. The two most common modes for voice transmissions are frequency modulation (FM) and single sideband (SSB). FM offers high quality audio signals, while SSB is better at long distance communication when bandwidth is restricted.
Radiotelegraphy using Morse code, also known as "CW" from "continuous wave", is the wireless extension of landline (wired) telegraphy developed by Samuel Morse and dates to the earliest days of radio. Although computer-based (digital) modes and methods have largely replaced CW for commercial and military applications, many amateur radio operators still enjoy using the CW mode—particularly on the shortwavebands and for experimental work, such as earth-moon-earth communication, because of its inherent signal-to-noise ratio advantages. Morse, using internationally agreed message encodings such as the Q code, enables communication between amateurs who speak different languages. It is also popular with homebrewers and in particular with "QRP" or very-low-power enthusiasts, as CW-only transmitters are simpler to construct, and the human ear-brain signal processing system can pull weak CW signals out of the noise where voice signals would be totally inaudible. A similar "legacy" mode popular with home constructors is amplitude modulation (AM), pursued by many vintage amateur radioenthusiasts and aficionados of vacuum tube technology.
Demonstrating a proficiency in Morse code was for many years a requirement to obtain an amateur license to transmit on frequencies below 30 MHz. Following changes in international regulations in 2003, countries are no longer required to demand proficiency. The United States Federal Communications Commission, for example, phased out this requirement for all license classes on 23 February 2007.
Modern personal computers have encouraged the use of digital modes such as radioteletype (RTTY) which previously required cumbersome mechanical equipment. Hams led the development of packet radio in the 1970s, which has employed protocols such as AX.25 and TCP/IP. Specialized digital modes such as PSK31 allow real-time, low-power communications on the shortwave bands. EchoLinkusing Voice over IP technology has enabled amateurs to communicate through local Internet-connected repeaters and radio nodes, while IRLP has allowed the linking of repeaters to provide greater coverage area. Automatic link establishment (ALE) has enabled continuous amateur radio networks to operate on the high frequency bands with global coverage. Other modes, such as FSK441 using software such as WSJT, are used for weak signal modes including meteor scatter and moonbouncecommunications.
Fast scan amateur television has gained popularity as hobbyists adapt inexpensive consumer video electronics like camcorders and video cards in PCs. Because of the wide bandwidth and stable signals required, amateur television is typically found in the 70 cm(420–450 MHz) frequency range, though there is also limited use on 33 cm (902–928 MHz), 23 cm (1240–1300 MHz) and higher. These requirements also effectively limit the signal range to between 20 and 60 miles (30–100 km).
Linked repeater systems, however, can allow transmissions of VHF and higher frequencies across hundreds of miles. Repeaters are usually located on heights of land or tall structures and allow operators to communicate over hundreds of miles using hand-held or mobile transceivers. Repeaters can also be linked together by using other amateur radio bands, landline, or the Internet.
Amateur radio satellites can be accessed, some using a hand-held transceiver (HT), even, at times, using the factory "rubber duck" antenna.Hams also use the moon, the aurora borealis, and the ionized trails of meteors as reflectors of radio waves.Hams can also contact the International Space Station (ISS) because many astronauts and cosmonauts are licensed as amateur radio operators.
Amateur radio operators use their amateur radio station to make contacts with individual hams as well as participating in round table discussion groups or "rag chew sessions" on the air. Some join in regularly scheduled on-air meetings with other amateur radio operators, called "nets" (as in "networks"), which are moderated by a station referred to as "Net Control".Nets can allow operators to learn procedures for emergencies, be an informal round table, or cover specific interests shared by a group.
Amateur radio operators, using battery- or generator-powered equipment, often provide essential communications services when regular channels are unavailable due to natural disaster or other disruptive events.
Many amateur radio operators participate in radio contests, during which an individual or team of operators typically seek to contact and exchange information with as many other amateur radio stations as possible in a given period of time. In addition to contests, a number of Amateur radio operating award schemes exist, sometimes suffixed with "on the Air", such as Summits on the Air, Islands on the Air, Worked All States and Jamboree on the Air.