SSLC Exam Service

SSLC Exam Service

In 2020 the world faced a big tragedy of COVID19 viral disease. The whole world got suffered a lot due to this virus. To control the spreading of this virus, the Indian Government took a big action called Lockdown. Everything get closed about 6 months Schools and Colleges also closed. But India got a small recovery from this pandemic. But, 10th standard exams are still remain undone. Some States are cancelled the exam and passed all students without exam. But, Karnataka state didn't cancelled the exam. The Government has no idea of maintaining so many students because controlling the childrens is very difficult in this situation. But, Bharath Scout and Guides association of Karnataka State supported the government to conduct examination. We are the only hope for entire state, so many parents are refused to send theirs childrens for exam. But, Scout, Guides, Rovers, Rangers and Leaders took the responsibility of childrens safety. we gave awareness for parents and childrens, we gave mask for all exam writers and we helped them to write the exam in a calm and safe environment.
Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Youth Programme
Youth Engagement
Legacy BWF
Communications and Scouting Profile

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