Social Forestry Day; Reversing Deforestation

Bhutan coincides Social Forestry Day with the coronation of his Majesty The Fourth Druk Gyalpo. This day is also observed to contribute to the International Years of Forests and it also played an crucial role in the forest management system of the country. The fact that planting a tree is one the easiest and powerful thing we can do to have a positive impact on the environment inspired me to organize a tree plantation program in my school.
We observed the social forestry day 2023 in a very special way by plating more than 400 saplings in the barren area of our school campus and in some local places which the scouts for SDG has adopted. All the 560 students including 50 teachers participated in this noble act. A speech related to the vitality of trees and forest coverage was delivered by one of the nature club students to let individuals have a positive outlook on life and boost young scouts to feel more alive.
This project helped to mitigate the impacts of climate change and moreover it helped in bringing people together to work towards achieving sustainable development works.
Planting trees can actually help curb the effects of climate change and a small act can have a great impact on the planet. This project made people realize the importance of planting billions of trees to help mother earth. It's a big number, but we can do it if we try.
Number of participants
Service hours
Healthy Planet
Nature and Biodiversity
Better Choice
Environment and Sustainability

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