As a scout and Messenger of peace, peace to me is very important and that is the only option to create a better world. International Day of Peace is not only a day to celebrate or act on peace, it is also a dat to reflect on the ways humans are destroying our beautiful world and come up with strategies to overcome problems.
The International Day of Peace was a 4 day programme celebrated virtually in Fiji. The project started on Sunday 19th September, 2021 with a pledge to protect our environment and tree planting in various districts of Fiji was done. Day 2 focused on district kevel virtual progamme while day 3 was celebrated as a nation .
The project had a huge impact to scouts and non-scouts. Tree planting was done all around Fiji , also focusing on special and inclusive schools. The virtual session included representatives from different organizations which made us more marketable and attracted more members. Food donations was also distributed by scout groups to help who are suffering in the pandemic.
I have learnt how one can learn and do things better despite the challenges such as covid-19. The pandemic gave us the opportunity to reach out to people virtually and assist them. The programme could have been better by inviting more non scouts.