Scouts Create Experiences for Underprivileged Children

Scouts Create Experiences for Underprivileged Children

CAMPI (Kids Camp) is an activity performed by ‘Group 51’ of the Scout Association of Mexico, every year. This camp is organized entirely by Venture and Rover Scouts. The idea of the camp is to take underprivileged children on an outing for a week at camp where the children learn through activities and games, songs and various dynamics that we use in Scouting, to help them live some positive moments and laugh at their troubles. Through this camp, the Rover and Venture Scouts of ‘Group 51’ seek to change the lives of the children who participate in it. Before returning home from the camp, the participating children agree on small actions through which they can change their realities and have a positive influence on their challenging environment. The children are organized in CAMPI teams, depending on age. Each team has animators/facilitators who are Venture and Rover Scouts of the group. They also take care that all requirements for activities such as crafts, cooking, visual effects, emergency aid, photography, etc. are in place.
Number of participants
Service hours

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