Scouting for Peace in Afghanistan
Founded in 1931 by King Mohammed Nader Khan, Afghanscouting has a long history. By 1977, there were 36,000 Afghan scouts participating in programs all over the country. However, scouting was disbanded by the Soviets in 1978 and the subsequent years of warfare and political upheaval have decimated the program.
Today Afghan scouting is making a comeback. “Da Afghanistan Tharunduy Tolanah”, or the Afghanistan Scout Association, was formed in 2002 and is administered by the Sports & Scouting branch of the Afghan Ministry of Education. There are several branches of scouting with troops scattered throughout Afghanistan.
Pease Comp Introduction:
In Afghanistan, year 2013, peace still eludes the leaders of this country and our international allies. Over 60% of the population of Afghanistan is under the age of 18 years old and generations of Afghan's have never known peace. PARSA's Afghan Scouts program teaches Afghan youth, boys and girls to be leaders in their communities. This year our theme for all of our programs is "Peace through Scouting". A series of merit badge programs and community service events will be conducted throughout PARSA's Scout troops during the year. We plan on bringing together our top Scout leaders, boys and girls, for Peace Camp in September to have them participate in the national Peace Day as youth leaders. It is our belief that the youth of Afghanistan will be the Afghans that bring stability and peace to Afghanistan and evidence of this is demonstrated weekly in our local scout troops. Peace Camp will bring together our young Afghan Scouts from eight provinces and allow them to immerse themselves in training that will teach them to stand for peace in their communities.
Highlight of Activities:
· Opening Ceremony –Festival with National singer, Performance by Youth from Circus Afsana, Sports figures and performances by Scout troops
· Video conference with Scouts from Pakistan, India, Saudia Aribia, UK and US.
· Faciliated dialogue with delegates from the Independent PeaceCommission
· Facilitated dialogue with other youth leaders through the Ministry of Youth
· Afghan Scouts-led press conference during hospital visit to children damaged by the war.
· Host train-the trainer conflict-resolution workshops that can be taken back to home provinces and orphanages.
· Conduct a sports tournament that brings together kids from different segments of Afghanistan.