Scout Sprtiual Retreat Camp
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Scout Sprtiual Retreat Camp

Trongsa District "Nazhoen Scout Retreat Camp" held at Bumthang from 29.05.19_02.05.19. 
There were 23 Scout Masters including the District Scout Commissioner, ADEO and Scout Leaders, 81 Nazhoen Scouts from 5 schools: Tshangkha CS, Taktse CS, Sherubling CS, Samcholing MSS and Langthil LSS including 7 scouts  who had undergone Leadership Training in scouts. 
The base camp was near Jamba Lhakhang.
It was a real adventure and a great learning by doing where activities like the drills, yells, sings and dances, pilgrimages and the camp fires added up to label the programme under the umbrella of "Happy Scouting". 
It was ogranised by Trongsa Dzongkhag Scout Association funded by Bhutan Scout Association.


Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Personal safety
Legacy BWF
Youth Engagement
Youth Programme

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