Profile picture for user sctr.filbert sevilla

Scout Safe from harm Activity

The motivation of this activity is to help the scouts learn the importance of taking their mental health and to teach them how to manage their stress.
The execution process is we discussed first what is mental health and how it affects today's generation. Next is we divided them into their crew wherein we conduct an activity which is my bucket list of stress wherein we asked them what certain issues made them stress in these week and how they manage to overcome it.Lastly we give emphasis on the importance of taking care for their mental health and to always remember the saying "its okay not to be okay".
The impact of the activity is that the participants learned an important information regarding about health awareness and how they can help the community to encourage in taking care for their well being and their mental health.
In this activity I learned how important mental health topic. In today's generation it is very alarming that lots of them even younger already experiencing this kind of issue. Therefore I recommend this to all BSP Coordinator to always look for the well being of the scouts in order for them to realize that they have a person to go when they need someone to listen.
Number of participants
Service hours
Sexual and reproductive health
Health and Wellbeing

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