Scout Knots Around The World
We Scouts Around the World Create a video to show all of you on how Scouts unite and show you how to tie Knots with 10 National Scout Organizations (NSOs)/National Scout Associations (NSAs) in the World Organization of the Scout Movement ;
Tanzania Scouts Association, Boy Scouts of the Philippines, The Scout Association (U.K), The Bharat Scouts and Guides, Myanmar Scouts Association, AsociaciĆ³n de Scouts de Elsalvador, Pakistan Boy Scouts Association, Gerakan Pramuka Indonesia,
AsociaciĆ³n de Scouts del Ecuador, Persekutuan Pengakap Malaysia, Boy Scouts and Girl Guides of Libya.
Video Editor : Venturer Scout Christian Jiggs Mistica, Boy Scouts of the Philippines
Organized by : Qalab e Abbas, Pakistan Boy Scouts Association
#MessengersOfPeace #ScoutsAroundTheWorld #QualityEducation #WorldOrganizationOfTheScoutMovement
#ScoutKnot #KnotTying