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Sri Lanka

Say NO plastic for a healthy planet

I initiated this project as a part of my badge - Plastic Tide Turners challenge which is an internationally recognized Scout badge introduced by the World Scout Organization. As a member selected by the Sri Lanka Scout Association, I could cover more than 200 friends directly via the school and many other small communities via different groups to make aware of the danger of using plastic and how to limit the same to save planet earth. Thenula Balagalla, Cub Scout, 47th Colombo Cub Pack.
We can act as individuals – I can avoid plastic usage as a student (Eg: If I can stop using plastic bottles, lunch boxes, pencil cases, etc. that would make a huge difference)  As a family – We can stop plastic usage at least up to a certain level. Just imagine how much plastics are being stocked in our houses every month.  As a community or a country – We can simply make our own rules on plastics if we wish for a better future.
We can separate bins for different materials. (Plastic, polythene, paper, glass) and hand them over to recycling places.  We can reduce the use of plastics, and use alternatives such as aluminum, glass, clay, etc.  We can stop using plastic at school such as plastic water bottles , lunchboxes, pencil cases ,files, shopping bags, etc. and use alternatives.
To avoid plastic usage and use alternatives as much as possible.
Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Sri Lanka
Health lifestyles
Humanitarian action
Healthy Planet
Environment and Sustainability
Peace and Community Engagement

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