Save the Little Dog
Profile picture for user Rover Beeju_1

Save the Little Dog

Scout is a friend and nature lover of animal birds * While presenting the above statement, 3 scouts of District Kullu have been treated with the help of J.R.B. Social Worker for a small pappi (the womb). In the above statement, J.R.B. Social Worker's President asked the members of Himalayan Rovers Open Crew * for the help of this uncrowned dog, then members of the Himalayan Rovers Open Crew *, during the same time, three members of the team led by Rover Rohit (1. City The scouts of the school, Kehar Singh, Amit, and Radhakrishna) were sent to the spot in Patikligal, but there they met Mr. Karmaveer who completed the Primary Subject Had, then J 0 R 0 B 0 Speaker social worker Mr. Chetan sent Hospital (Animal) Muhl for operation Doggie led by Thakur. Over there, Dr. Shakuntala's team conducted a successful operation of the Dog
Number of participants
Service hours
Youth Programme
Youth Engagement

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