Sankalp 2.0, Activity-4(COVID-19 AWARENESS)

Sankalp 2.0, Activity-4(COVID-19 AWARENESS)

SANKALP-2.0 ACTIVITY-04 COVID-19 AWARENESS COMPLETED In the second page of coronavirus there are some new symptoms and it's precautions for more Or use Arogya setu app. A Special Youth Engagement Activity for Scouts, Guides, Rovers, Rangers, and Unit Leaders.Through this project we can Engage Ourselves at home during this Challenging time of COVID-19 Pandemic. Safety is a full - time job, don't make it part - time practice and prevention is better than cure. So stay home, and follow all precautions and guidelines of government. corona guidelines SANKALP_2 BSG bsgsankalp bsgindia unicef bsgindiaofficial COMPLETED Covid19India precautions stayhomestaysafestayhealthy
Number of participants
Service hours
Youth Programme

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