Sankalp 2.0 Activity 11: Be a changemaker
Sankalp 2.0
Activity 11: Be a changemaker
U-Report is a social messaging tool and data collection system developed by UNICEF to improve citizen
engagement, inform leaders, and foster positive change. Learn skills, acquire latest knowledge on the COVID
virus direct from UNICEF and create change by giving your frank opinion. To do this, you need to register as u
reporter via WhatsApp. Here are the instructions step by step:
Save number 9650414141 on your phone as U-Report India Open WhatsApp and send message – join then
choose BSG members and then it will ask you for age, gender, state and register yourself as U-Reporter. You can
also win customized gifts and certificate. Take a screen shot and share using #bsgsankalp.
#bsgsankalp #sankalp #Scouts4SDGs #Unite2FightCorona #Youth4Nature #ForNature #fitindia #bsgindia
#HealthForAll #actnow
The Bharat Scouts & Guides-Karnataka Madhusudan Avala Bsg Udupi