Salvando Huellitas

Scouts were inspired by seeing homeless and hungry stray dogs all days
Explorers of the Grupo Scout Panda and Tropa Castores implemented the project in an animal shelter "Salvando Huellitas", first they went there to see what were the necessities of the dogs, second were the things we can do, so we decided to build little beds for the dogs with old clothes, and in the visit work in the place rebuilding the old houses and play with them
People benefited from this project were just 5, the leaders of the animal shelter, but the benefit for the animals were for 30 dogs, they looked happy after all the work
Explorers lerned how to build beds for dogs, how to build houses and all the details of an animal shelter, their work, necessities and campains
Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Plurinational State of Bolivia
Nature and Biodiversity
Youth Engagement
Environment and Sustainability

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