Rover Scout to be A Good Leader

Gladian Pimpinan Satuan 2021, is an activity that can improve leadership and communication skill. The benefits of this programme are not only for those who follow the activity but for the whole scout member, especially in Yogyakarta city.

This activity was held in Training and Education Center of Yogyakarta Regency Council. Although this activity was carried out during the COVID-19 pandemic, we still carry out this activity offline, with health protocols. To provide the best human resources, we invited speakers who are expert in their fields.

Gladian Pimpinan Satuan is followed by approximately 28 Rover and Ranger Scout. They are representatives from many high schools in Yogyakarta. We trained them how to be a good leader, how to have a self-confidence, how to have a good public speaking skill, and many other soft and hard skills. From this activity, we hope that the participants can share the knowledge they got to other Scout member in their own school.

This activity is very eye opening. There, the participants got many new knowledges they may didn't get anywhere. After Gladian Pimpinan Satuan, we hope that they will understand more, how to manage themselves to be a good leader, to be a good example for others.

Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Youth Programme
Communications and Scouting Profile
Skills for Life

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