Road To Peace ,Phase II, Black Topping

Road To Peace ,Phase II, Black Topping

After the completion of our project Road to Peace, Phase I, Base Coarse Leveling,in collaboration with State Mining Corporation(SMCL), our team commenced with another  landmark project, Road to Peace, Phase II, Black Topping of 400m road adjacent to school premises which have driven dust detrioting the health of kids;created noise pollution, making study much more difficult and even travel unsafe as the pavement became slippery and marshy during peak summers with pot holes, everywhere. 

But today, our school is free of such issues and we reap extreme satisfaction and joy that, our kids today could learn in a conducive environment, dust and pollution free and could travel safe too and from home and school. Thanks to the project team for accomplishing impossible tasks ....

The project was carried in collaboration with Department of Roads, (DoR),Regional Office. Thank you for supporting our project. 

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