Reading Retreat Program

Reading Retreat Program

Successfully concluded five days of Reading Retreat organized by the centre as part of Winter Youth Engagement program. The closing ceremony was graced by Principal, Khangkhu MSS as Chief Guest.
On the final day,  reading competition at different class levels were conducted and winners have been awarded prizes to motivate them to make reading a life long habit. All the participants were awarded a certificate each for their active participations. The participants were introduced to various reading strategies and skills within those five days of reading program. A total of 75 youths took part and some of them were from as far as Zhemgang, Dagana, Sarbang and Haa Dzongkhags. 
The participants applauded that program was enriching and looks for such programs in  future.
The whole Winter Youth Engagement Program is funded by Nazhoen Lamtoen to keep the youths engaged productively during the winter vacations. 
Thank you Mrs. Sonam Yangzom, Gaupel LSS; Mrs. Dawa Pem and Mr. Penjor, Teachers of Shaba HSS for being wonderful facilitators.

Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Youth Engagement

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