South Africa

Protea Ridge Litter-Less Campaign

Our cub pack took part in the litterless campaign in our District. We cleaned up the area alongside Florida Lake near the park. The cubs had gloves and bin bags and we picked up all the rubbish and litter that we could find. Cleaning up gives us a better sense of community and makes it safer for the families who enjoy the area. The cubs discussed how bad smoking was when they picked up cigarette butts and the dangers of alcohol when beer bottles were found and placed in the bags.
As part of our BP day celebrations at Gilwell Florida, we provided the cubs with gloves and bin bags. We cleaned the area alongside Florida Lake near the Park.
About 500 people make use of the park area near the Lake over a weekend. It is difficult to tell exactly how many people are there during the week.
The cubs were made more aware of how littering damages the environment. They discussed the dangers of smoking and alchohol abuse.
Number of participants
Service hours
South Africa
Healthy Planet
Youth Programme
Environment and Sustainability

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