Promoting happy scouts in Bhutan(Land of Gross National Happinese)

Promoting happy scouts in Bhutan(Land of Gross National Happinese)

Dechenchholing HSS celebrated its Investiture ceremony commemorated with international peace day on the 21st of September, 2017.The Chief guest for the occasion was the Thromdey (city) Education officer accompanied by the Scouts secretary.A total of around 180 scout members along with the Principal and teachers assembled for the occasion .The program started with the singing of the National Anthem followed by the Scout Anthem.This was followed by a welcome speech by the scouts coordinator and speeches in by two students.The Chief guest then addressed his speech highlighting on the importance and the future of scouting in Bhutan. Some of the highlights during the occasion included the awarding of scarfs and badges by the Chief guest and the Principal to the new scout members.Others included the advancement badge award as well as the badges award in the Nachung (cubs) category by Scout secretary. This was followed by the oath taking ceremony presided by the Scouts coordinator. The walls of the hall echoed with the pledges made by the children with much dedication. To make the occasion memorable, a few cultural items were also performed by the various scout troops.The program finally ended with a vote of thanks conveyed by one of the teacher scouts.On the whole, the program was indeed a grand success.
Number of participants
Service hours
Youth Programme
Personal safety

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