Project TUKIB: Kabataang Manghahabi

I decided to take up this project because I want to help the young to become more immersed into the correct process of conceptualizing and putting into motion projects for their respective communities with the right mindset and motivations. Design Thinking is no longer new but as one of its practitioners and as an adult scouter myself, I believe it is my duty to educate young scouts so that they may create and field more projects and innovations in the years to come.

UKIB was implemented for Silay Institute - a private, non-sectarian EDU institution here in Silay City, Negros Occidental. We partnered with the National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA) to push through with this project that comprised tailor-fitted workshops & upskilling sessions for student leaders on the use of the HABI Design Thinking Process and that of gamification. At the end of the workshops, participants were able to conceptualize a project for their respective communities.

TUKIB was able to produce 25 workshop completers, 5 community and school projects, and was able to touch lives of almost 100 people. This project brought impact into the way student leaders were creating projects and innovating exisiting ones to answer the immediate problems and concerns in the field that is - the lack of support fo education and the learning of the students/learners during the pandemic.

I learned the importance of really upskilling ourselves in order to bring about life-changing projects to our communities. I also learned the value of trust and empathy in establishing the much needed rapport one has to gain with the community.

Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Culture and heritage
Peace and Community Engagement
Skills for Life

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