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PROJECT ILAO: Inihahandog na LAmbing Overload

As member of Boy Scouts of The Philippines and an active scouts in our community, we see the urgent needs in our community, specially the schools in the opening of the School Year 2021-2022 to protect the students from Covid-19 virus. We knew that in our simple way of distributing medical supplies like face masks, alcohol and others will help to lessen the number of young people affected by the virus.
We distribute to the community and to our stakeholders a solicitation letter asking them to give voluntarily medical supplies like facemasks, alcohol, rolled tissues, hand sanitizers, dish washing liquids and or money to buy medical supplies to be distributed to Grade 10 students of Guinayangan National High School in Guinayangan, Quezon. We collect them all and divided it in to 10, and to be distributed to 10 sections of Grade 10 Curriculum of Guinayangan NHS.
There is a big impact of the Project ILAO (Light) to the community, students can use those medical supplies to protect themselves from the harmful Covid-19. With the project, we can help the community to lessen the number of people affected by the virus specially the young whose their education suffered from the pandemic. We see light and hope that this pandemic will end soon for them to experience face to face classes again.
As scouts, we learned to help others in our simple way of giving them their protective gears like face mask and alcohol to fight the deadly Corona virus. We also learned that even we are also affected, we can give to our community or school in our own little way. Project ILAO (Light) helped us to think positively that this pandemic is not the hindrance to help others at all times.
Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Humanitarian action
Healthy Planet
Environment and Sustainability
Peace and Community Engagement
Skills for Life

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