Project AIREd
We all need a break from our work and studies in order for us to vent out and explore new ideas and learning that will not only enhance our skills but also to express our thoughts, ideas, creativity and talents. As Leonardo da Vinci said, art has a unique power to communicate knowledge to people everywhere. Also according to West, Balog-way and Phillips (2019), the art can inspire people to think about disaster risk and resilience in ways that science, data and numbers cannot.
Project AIREd (Art and Innovation for Resilience in Education): A Training-Workshop for Students and Teachers on Arts for Resiliency to equip the Students and Teachers with the basic pedagogical knowledge, skills, and techniques in their chosen field of arts (Visual Arts, Creative Writing, Dance, and Project Ideation for Sustainable Development) and how they can used art for resilience during Covid-19 Pandemic. The target participants of this training are the Students and Teachers of DFTLMNHS.
This innovation can address problems about stress and exhaustion from work by giving teachers and students a break from their work and modules and explore some creative ideas they can do to relieve some stress and express their selves. This et the students and teachers enjoy arts and release their worry about what is happening right now to reduce anxiety and depressions among students and teachers. As we know Art is for healing, not just art for art sake.
One of the significant learning I have as the project lead of this project was arts and education goes hand in hand. We all need healing this time of pandemic and art is for healing and can help us be more resilient by learning how to express our thoughts, and emotions.